

LGBTea You Missed Last Week

LGBTea You Missed Last Week

Hey y’all! Welcome back to this week’s LGBTea, our weekly newsletter about all things gay in pop culture and news.

1. Lesbian visibility week/day just passed! We celebrated by sharing stories and words of empowerment from lesbians all around the world on our instagram, which you can follow here. We’re thrilled to be visible lesbians on the daily, and we love and appreciate all our fellow lesbians in this incredible, supportive, and powerful community. Way to go, be visible!

2. “President” Tr*mp and his ugly cronies have been hard at work rolling back Obama era protections for LGBTQ people, and unfortunately it looks like they’re about ready to roll with a new rewrite of ACA’s 1557 provision. The provision disallowed healthcare discrimination based on gender, sex and identity and is also the first of its kind to offer specific protections for the trans community. He sucks and of course all this is rolling forward despite Coronavirus. Don’t forget to vote this November!

3. Finland officially recognized their first same-sex couple as parents! Despite being part of what’s considered to be a progressive area of Europe, Finland only legalized gay marraige three years ago. Their prime minister, Sanna Marin, actually has lesbian moms (and is also the youngest head of government in the world) and has made this a personal issue for her administration. Hell yeah, vote for women.

Sanna Marin, Finland’s Prime Minister (Gayles.TV)

Sanna Marin, Finland’s Prime Minister (Gayles.TV)

4. Despite New York’s dire need for blood donations for survivors of Coronavirus, gay men are still being barred from giving blood. I don’t know what to say about this! I can’t believe this is a thing! This guy literally has COVID-19 antibodies and they turned him away because of gay panic. Ugh.

Coach Kelly Lawerence (

Coach Kelly Lawerence (

5. did a fantastic piece for lesbian visibility day about Kelly Lawerence, a lesbian soccer coach who became visible to support her students. I can’t even imagine how excited I would have been if I had asked my favorite adult for advice on how to come out and have this amazing response.

Thanks to all our brave queer friends and family who live out and proud! We are making changes just by being our authentic selves, and it matters.

Drop us a comment and let us know if there’s been anything else on your radar! See you next week.

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LGBTea You Missed Last Week

LGBTea You Missed Last Week